Early Bird Price: $145
After May 7th: $160
Convention Rate includes Lunch, Awards Banquet Dinner on Saturday and Sunday Lunch - All speakers, break-out sessions & hands-on workshops
(Hotel is extra)
Some of the Convention Speakers are:
Wisconsin’s U.S. Senator Herb Kohl – “Why we need to Protect our Seniors & Children and how best to Manage the National Debt & Deficit”
Elizabeth Warren, Director for U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau “The Need for Reforming Wall Street from Future Financial Calamities’
Dr. Donald Berwick, Director for the U.S. Center for Medicare & Medicaid “The Future of Medicare/Medicaid & the Need for Patient Safety & Quality"
Prof. Nancy Unger, University of Santa Clara, History, Environmental & Women Studies, “A Return to the Progressive Era of Robert M. LaFollette”
Dr. Fred Bannister, “A Citizen’s Guide to Reforming Our Health Care System
Victor Rodriquez, V.P. Robert W. Baird Investment Management, “Planning for Retirement in the Midst of Economic, Social and Political Uncertainty”